Thursday, August 24, 2006

Photos for Logic board replacement

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures for the logic board for the garage door opener! They are mildly interesting, but I am overjoyed that the opener works properly again.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Logic board for garage opener arrived.

Last Friday I finally received the replacement logic board from Chamberlain. I installed it on Saturday and it works like a charm. I took some pictures and will put them up later..

Sunday, August 06, 2006

"Stone" style glass tile

Stone style glass tile
Originally uploaded by Vincent Ma.
Applied another sample called "Stone". This time with white grout. Looks good.. I think we want to use this one for the kitchen.

Recursive Houses

Recursive Houses
Originally uploaded by Vincent Ma.
I've decided to start a series of pictures documenting the suburbia life through the eyes of a caffeine drunkard.. me.

The first image is this one. It is scary how I cannot see the end of houses through the gap between my neighbours' houses. It is even more scary how there is such uniformity of positioning the houses and lot so that there is an unbroken row of gaps between houses. I live in a cookie-cut subdivision in a suburb. I'm a suburbanite, through and through.

This series will be sporadically updated.. when I feel depressed. You'd hope there isn't many pictures here in a Flickr set!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Surge protector for Garage Openers

Surge protector in use
Originally uploaded by Vincent Ma.
Home Depot indeed has the surge protectors in stock. I splurged and bought two of them.